Sara Michelle Losasso

For Sara

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For Sara
Saras' Stories
Jan. 19, 2006

You were there for me
Like I was for you
You showed me exactly what
Best friends had to do.
I never knnew a friend
until you became mine
And i'll never want another friend
throughout the course of time.
You showed me my heart
and you showed me the world
But nothing can compare
to this aweful hurt.
I'd done anything for you
A bullet or whatever it took
to keep you alive and well
Because I know, for me you would have
If I could have it any other way
we'd all be happy!
You once said:
"Thing happen for a reason"
Know that I think all the time
about the two of us
I appreciate all you've done,
one of the few I trust.
Just know this isn't over
Just know i'll never stop
searching for you my friend
Because you're all I got!

I Didn't Get A Chance To Say Goodbye!
I didn't get a chance to say goodbye
To you, to tell you that I loved you, to say
What now must be one long, unbroken cry
Of pain, now that at last you've gone away.
I cannot tell you what a joy it was
To be the one to tend you in your need.
The burden was a gift, for giving does
Not burden one who loves, though loving bleed.
I wish I could have been with you when you,
Perhaps aware, perhaps not, turned towards death
Alone, with no one there to wonder to,
To share your fear, your hand, your one last breath.
I wish, I wish, I wish . . . but it is done,
And now I must surrender what is gone.


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Quote/ Poem:
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Your simply the best,
Better than anyone,
Better than all the rest!!
Your were simply the Best and still are!!
(~Cindy Losasso~)

20 Beautiful Things ~ That Are True About You...
You are something ~ and someon~ very special
You really are. No one else in the entire world
is exactly like you, and there are
so many beautiful things about you....
You're a one of a kind treasure, uniquely
here in this space and time. You are here to
shine in your own wonderful way, sharing
your snile in the best way you can, and
remembering all the while that a little
light somewhere makes a brighter light
everywhere. You can and you do make
a wonderful contribution to this world.
You have qualities within you that many
people would love to have, end those who
really and truely know you... are so glad
that they do. You have a big heart and
a good sensitive soul. You are gifted
with thoughts anw ways of seeing things
that only special people know.
You know that life doesn't always play
by the rules, but that in the long run,
everything will work out.
you understand that you and your
actions are capable of turning anything
around and that joys once lost can
always be found. There is a resolve and
an inner reserve of strength in you
that few ever get to see. You have so
many treasures within ~ those you're
only beginning to discover, and all the
ones you're already aware of.
Never forget what a treasure you are.
That special person in the miroor
may not always get to hear all the
compliments you so sweetly deserve, but
you are so worthy of
    such and abundance
        ...... of friendship, joy, and love.

Comments: SARA FREAKIN ROX MY FACE OFF!!!!! now i kno your not here to c this but u r soooo beautif sara and lets keep it that way! i love u sooooo much, never EVER EVER change always stay the way u are ;)